Monday, April 27, 2009

Who We Are

We, the Arawak City Childcare Collective, are a group of radicals who support parents and children’s participation at anarchist and radical gatherings because we feel revolution should be a family activity!

We know that too often radical parents and kids cannot attend meetings and conferences because finding trustworthy and affordable childcare can difficult and expensive. We provide free childcare in order to enable parents and children, a group that is often forgotten about in radical organizing, an opportunity to attend and participate in community events.

“Many of the adult radicals who do address, organize, and unite against the injustices of our society are not doing enough to include children and their caretakers in the process. The idea that if a child isn’t “yours” he or she is not your responsibility is the norm” (Marten).

That is why we started a free, grassroots childcare collective in Columbus. Parenthood should not be a barrier to liberation, and as part of the community, we have a responsibility of supporting our friends and neighbors!

We also recognize and greatly appreciate how important a healthy, safe, and fun relationship should be between young people and their adult care providers. We feel that younger folks have their own culture that older folks need to respect, value, and uphold. We expect of all the members of our collective to challenge the prejudices toward younger people that have been engrained in our society. We also expect that the childcare providers uphold the values of the Organizing Cbus Collective:

“We are committed to building an anti-racist, anti-imperialist, multiracial,
feminist, queer and trans liberationist, anti-authoritarian movement against
global capitalism and promoting the understanding that there are multiple
valid approaches to doing this work. Please come and let us hear your voice.”

Things you can expect us to provide during the conference:
-Several happy, energetic, and accountable adult volunteers who will attend a training prior to conference day (Spanish-speaking volunteers are available)
-Personalized cups to drink water from all day and to take home
-Healthy snacks (although we do ask each parent or guardian to provide a packed lunch for the child)
-Fun, age- and ability-appropriate activities such as: coloring, dance, outdoor sports and games, board games, arts and crafts, a space to play music and try out instruments, and much more! (Keep an eye on the blog for updates on activities as we plan them!)

1 comment:

  1. If you all need an additional volunteer for the childcare program, I would be more than happy to help!!

    I am an artist and musician who loves children and has worked in a day care program in the past.
